Thursday, August 21, 2014

Family: The Epicenter of Adventure

As I was watching my 7 week old daughter, Sophia, sleep in my arms last night, all my ideas started coming to life about our future here in the wonderful city of McKinney, TX.  It got me reminiscing about my lovely wife Katie and I's discovery of the Farmer's Market in Chestnut Square and how our Saturday morning routine really kicked things off for us as a family; getting out there in town, meeting people, building relationships, stumbling across local treasures, and simply discovering the new and the old. 

Photo Credit Mike M Photos
Becoming a father really shaped me as a person, and kicked off a whole new adventure for my wife and I.  A blessing really.  We have lived here just over 2 1/2 years, and in those two years the city's slogan on the water tower "Unique By Nature" made more and more sense.  There is a lot to discover here that is not the everyday norm of your typical suburban community.  That is a value that we plan to instill in our daughter and incorporate into our family life.  A sense of community, respect, being unique, and hope that some of it comes naturally.

I thought the appropriate kick off to this blog following the brief "gloaty" family history lesson was to put emphasis on the importance of family, and how family is the epicenter of adventure.  What greater feeling exists than showing your young children the concept of simply living, meeting people, discovering new ground, and getting them active in the community, starting at just 2 weeks old? If we're going the opinions route, I'd say not many.

Proudly Used Without Permission ;-): Sweetie Pies by Karen
Who makes up this Uniqueness by Nature? The people? The Families, and individuals alike.  I am beyond excited about this adventure and all of you who stop by for a read.  I hope to meet all of you around town on this foreseeably endless adventure.



Unknown said...

That's so sweet! And I am honored to be one of Miss Sophia's first friends!! (And y'all!!) We'll see you Saturday!!

Unknown said...

Glad you're enjoying it! Saturday it is!

Elizabeth said...

Awe Karen! You just look so natural holding that baby there :-) You need a grandbaby! Or is it that I need a great niece? haha I'm glad that little Sophia has you as one of her first friends :-) love you!
Congratulations Dan! She's adorable!

Unknown said...

Thank you Elizabeth! We're loving every second of her